Mr Price Apparel South Africa
Bra Tape Bra Tape

Bra Tape

This tape allows you to go braless and strapless. It can get cut and styled into any way you like according to your outfit.

How to use instructions:

1. Prep your skin: Make sure the area is clean or else the tape wont stick properly.

2. Peel off the backing film from the tape.

3. Position the tape as required.

Use together with mrp nipple covers for comfortable application and removal.


Removal instructions:

Peel the tape off gently and carefully. Start by peeling the tape back slowly, whilst supporting the skin behind the tape. Complete the motion whilst using the Scarlet Hill Repair Tissue oil to ease removal.  

Removal Warnings are as follows:

Avoid using this product on sensitive skin, burns or open wounds. In the event of reddening or irritation, stop use immediately and seek medical advice. Patch test on a small area of skin before complete application. Avoid placing the product on hot surfaces or heat sources. Dispose of product, do not reuse.



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